Rabbi Benjamin Resnick joined the Pelham Jewish Center in 2021. Before that he served as Rav Beit HaSefer at Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago and as Rabbi and Education Director at Congregation Ahavas Achim in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Rabbi Resnick was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2014. He has written about Judaism for multiple publications, including The Forward, Tablet, Modern Judaism and My Jewish Learning. His first novel, Next Stop, was published in 2024.
Rabbi Resnick is married to journalist Philissa Cramer, who is currently editor-in-chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. They have two boys, Jonah and Gabriel.
He can be reached at [email protected].
Education Director, Ana Turkienicz was born in the southern city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, where, inspired to become an educator by her mother, she began working as a teacher in Brazil’s poor neighborhoods and subsequently at the local Jewish Day School. Soon after her marriage to Neco (Ariel) Turkienicz, Ana made alyiah (immigrated) to Israel, and went on to study Education at Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv, as well as Bar-Ilan University’s Education College and The Leslie College for Expressive Arts Therapy. She worked in Israel for 21 years as a kindergarten, Elementary and Middle school teacher in different settings, including Kibbutz Gezer, Kibbutz Bror Chayil and KIbbutz Netzer Sereni, as well as at the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional School, and the Hadarim Community school in the town of Be’er Yaakov, before moving to America with her husband and two children, Yoni and Hila. In the US, Ana and her family settled in White Plains and she has been working as a Hebrew teacher in Jewish Day Schools as well as the Education Director at the Pelham Jewish Center. Ana participated at the JTS-HUC Leadership Institute for Congregational Educators, the LOMED cohort and received a Masters Degree in Jewish Education from the William Davidson School at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Currently, Ana works as the Hebrew Learning Specialist at Rodeph Sholom Day School in NYC and is delighted to have the honor of being the Education Director at The Pelham Jewish Center, a warm and welcoming community that has embraced her and her family since 2006.
She can be reached at [email protected].

Kathy Tchorni recently joined the Pelham Jewish Center as our new office administrator.
Kathy can be reached at (914) 738-6008 or [email protected].
For over 25 years, Adam Bukowski has been taking meticulous care of our synagogue, both inside and out. The care and attention to detail that he puts into his work is evident every time we enter the building or walk onto the property. It is impossible not to feel comforted and at peace whenever we are here. There isn’t a fix or repair that Adam cannot resolve. He knows (better than many of us) our service rituals and always perfectly anticipates our needs. Adam and his wife, Magdalena, have two sons, Adam Jr and Filip, that they have raised while he has been with the PJC. We are grateful for Adam’s hard work and dedication and to the beautiful home he continues to nurture for all of us.
For more information, please contact the office at (914) 738-6008.
Board of Directors
Executive Vice President
Communications Chair
Community Engagement Chair
Education Chair
Fundraising Chair
House Chair
Membership Chair
Programming Chair
Religious Practices Chair
Social Action Chair
Lisa Neubardt
Adam Gerber
Mitchell (Mitch) Cepler
Daniel Rubock
Adam Ilkowitz
Larry Cohen
Laura Temes
Marjut Herzog
Jonathan Kasper
Liz Tzetzo
Emily Pauley
Jeremy Schulman
Matt Marcus
B’nei Mitzvah Program Coordinators
B’nei Mitzvah Project Coordinator
HaKol Editor
Michelle Dvorkin & Judy Shampanier
Cheryl Goldstein
Barbara Saunders-Adams &
Liz Tzetzo
Barbara Saunders-Adams