In one of his most beautiful teachings, Rebbe Nahman of Bratzlav describes walking through a field of wildflowers. When he looks closely and listens intently he realizes that each bloom is a unique soul, singing a unique tune, and as he walks collects flowers and grasses and small shoots and weaves them into garlands of song–garland after garland after garland, with which he will one day crown the Divine. This, Nahman says, is that task of communal prayer, to arrange and elevate the unique contributions of every individual, weaving them into something infinitely more beautiful, infinitely more mellifluous than they could have been apart.
In keeping with this teaching, at the PJC we strive to include as many voices as possible while creating a davening experience that is aesthetic, musical, and deeply moving. Our services, which are fully egalitarian and often led by congregants, are at once guided by tradition and halakhah (Jewish law) and also responsive to changing dynamics in the world, in our community, and in our own Jewish lives. We may not ascend the mountain every week, but we always try. And we hope you’ll join us for the climb.